Prayers for Relationships
In this moment, I confidently know that God’s love is the essence of all there is. It’s Presence is in every heart beat and in each breath taken, everywhere and always present, and in every thought. There is but One Divine Energy and I clearly know there is one life and this is the life of God.
God’s love is the power, the magnificence, and the intelligence behind all creation. Love is the vitality of God expressing, through me and as me. God’s expression is the poise, the confidence and the assurance of the power and the presence of God in me. I am all I perceive and can conceive God to be. I am the Harmony, Peace, Love, Joy and the Vitality of God, and all I choose I receive right here and now. I desire and expect perfection in all my relationships. I affirm the Love of God shows up as me and I affirm that my life is the expression of Love. I confidently express a vibrant, radiant, harmonious relationship filled with excitement and abundant Love. It is being nurtured as I speak. I affirm that my relationships are harmonious, loving and supportive and I always have what I need! I speak my word with confidence declaring that every thought I have, each word I speak is a pure and concise manifestation of the Divine. I give thanks for knowing the truth, and for my many blessings. With my heart full, I release my word into the Allness of the One, knowing as it is spoken, it is so. And so it is! |
I close my eyes and take a deep relaxing breath, as I do this I go to the wonderful space where I remember that there is nothing but God, Spirit, Amazing Love. God is Peace of Mind, Wholeness, the Creator of absolutely everything there is, the Energy that propels the stars, the planets. . . I know the whole Universe is sustained by this Love. Yes, Love is the essence of all and all.
Knowing this truth, I know that I am surrounded and unfolded by the sweet essence of Spirit; I know Peace of Mind and Love indwells in me, manifests as me. God is the center of my soul, flowing through my veins, through my actions. I know every word I speak is impelled by this Power, by this Wisdom. I know the essence of Spirit is within, the magnificence of the Almighty is right where I am. I see it, I know it! Wholeness is who I truly am. I know that every person in my life is here by Divine appointment. I know my relationships are harmonious, peaceful, joyful and centered in love. I know Divine Intelligence moves through every action I take. I attract wonderful people into my life as I am a magnet of Love. I know in all my relationships I have the right words and actions to express myself with integrity because I am love and compassion and the Divinity of others is always manifesting. I know Life is a joyful adventure and my birthright is to have honest, loving, fulfilling relationships and the Universe brings these wonderful experiences into my life. Every relationship I have is a God centered relationship. I feel excited for knowing and affirming this truth. I feel an incredible gratitude and I am truly overwhelmed with joy for the manifestation of this in my life. Knowing and feeling that this prayer is now a reality, I am stepping aside and releasing it into the Law, knowing that this or something better is part of my experience. I am letting it go and letting it be, and so it is. |