Harmony Center's Prayer Support Team
Our Practitioners are here for you
Our Practitioners work on an individual fee basis and invite you to call on them for private consultation.They also serve the Harmony Center congregation through the Ministry of Prayer and other pastoral care activities. When at church you can identify them by the colorful braids they wear or contact them directly via the information below with your prayer request. There is no charge for short affirmative prayers.
A Practitioner is one who endeavors to heal themselves and others through the recognition of the creative power of Mind and the ever availability of Good. Practitioners are individuals who have been trained in the art, skill and science of Affirmative Prayer. Practitioners are licensed to practice professionally, and are bound by a high code of ethics to respect your privacy.
~ From Centers for Spiritual Living Website |
Ana Cacao
[email protected] Vonnie DiCecco
[email protected] Joanne Elliott..........562-447-3892
[email protected] Pat Richards..........714-330-7398
Janet Syberg Practitioner Emeritus
Sherry Uzel..........213-598-1365
Here is a little about how we view prayer:
In Centers for Spiritual Living, we practice a form of affirmative prayer called “Spiritual Mind Treatment.” According to our founder, Dr. Ernest Holmes, “The secret of prayer and its power in the outward life depends upon an unconditioned faith in, and reliance upon this inner Presence. We must enter the closet. That is, we are to shut out all else and enter the Presence of Spirit, in quietness and confidence—believing.” Affirmative Prayer, is a tool that aligns our thoughts with the all good of God. Affirmative Prayer is a powerful process that shifts our consciousness so that we are open and available to accept the good that is already present in our life. ~ From Centers for Spiritual Living Website |