Prayers for Health
There is only one Power, one
Presence, one Source of everything. One universal Presence, an impersonal
observer, a Divine and impartial Giver forever pouring Itself into Its
creations. This Divine Creator is Wholeness, which includes perfect physical
health, perfect vision and perfect mental health.
I am a divine creation, created by the One Creator. The presence of this Creator fills every cell, every atom, and every molecule of my body. The Divine presence flows through me like a warm loving river, filling me with Its perfection. The Creator knows no age, no time and no limitation. I speak my word for myself, I am whole, perfect and complete, and as a divine God being it is my birthright. I know for myself that each day I wake up and choose health. I know every day my body and mind are renewing themselves, therefore I can choose that they renew in healthy, happy perfection. I choose each day, clear perfect vision. I choose strong bones and teeth. I choose to be active. I choose to eat food that nourishes my body and my mind. I choose to fill my mind with ideas of health and wholeness. I choose a mind full of love and compassion. I choose a healthy, happy heart full of love. I choose lungs that are healthy; breathing that is easy, knowing I breathe in the Holy Breath of God. My mind is clear and sharp, my memory is excellent. I choose to see the face of God in everyone and to know for others the truth of perfect health at any age (just as I know it is my Truth). I choose to radiate perfect health and to let my God light shine. I accept my Good NOW! I am so very grateful for my perfect health, I am grateful for knowing that I have all the gifts of God always available to me. I am happy knowing the truth of my perfect health at any age. With a grateful, happy, healthy heart, I release my word into the Law, the Doer, the Divine and impartial Giver that always confirms our beliefs. I believe this is my truth now and always. And SO IT IS! |
God is all there is, ever present in everything and everyone. God is power, Love, Peace, Life Itself, timeless, and changeless. God is the Source of Wholeness and Perfection, vitality and Wellness. God is Intelligence that created and creates Perfect Order.
God and I are One. As a result of my unification with God, I am infinite intelligence and believe that to be true at all times. I am at deep peace, unconditionally loving and loved, courageous, harmonious, and joy filled. I am what God is. God is expressing through me right now in every way. Every cell, tissue and organ of my body is God, every situation is God, and everything in my life is God. I now speak my word for myself. The truth of God is the Truth of my life. In spite of any current conditions, reports, and/or appearances, I am experiencing the elimination and extraction of cells, tissues, and organs that are anything less than whole, perfect, and complete. I am experiencing vitality and excellent health whereby all my cells, tissues, and organs are working together in healthy, loving and effective ways. I focus my attention, energy, and belief on this affirmation knowing that it is true and an accurate description of me right here, right now! I am so grateful to God for my health and wellbeing knowing and believing that it is already so. In this feeling of gratitude, I release this prayer, this declaration into the Law, knowing full well it is already manifesting itself. And so it is! |