Prayers for Abundance
God is all there is. God creates the Universe out of Itself and IS Itself in all of Its creations. God is Infinite Abundance and the Potential of all good. God is whole, perfect and complete Love and Freedom.
I know and declare that I am a Divine expression of God. God lives in, through and as me. God’s Abundance is my abundance. God’s Potential of good is my potential of all good. God’s Love is my love and God’s Freedom is my freedom. I am now open and receptive to the abundance and all good of the Divine flow of God’s Love and Giving-ness. As I align myself with God’s Truth, abundance and prosperity in all areas of my life are revealed to me and through me with ease and grace. My needs are met and I live from the overflow. I am free to make choices that support my natural state of abundance and prosperity. I am one with the Universe as I recognize all good within me now. I give thanks for the Absolute Power and Truth of this prayer. I release this prayer into Gods Law of Creation knowing that it is done now. And so it is! |
There is One Infinite Source, the source of life, the source of knowledge, the source energy. I call this Source God or Spirit. I know God is all there is, always expressing Itself through Its creations. There is nothing outside of God.
I know that I am a creation of God. I know the energy that flows through me, in me, as me is God energy. I know as this wonderful God being that I am, it is my birthright to receive all the Gifts of Spirit. There is nowhere that God stops and I begin. God has Its life through me, as me. I know God is the Source of everything, and everything else is just a resource. Money is a resource, but God is my source. I know that the universe is an abundant place. I know there is always plenty of everything available for me. I willingly release any thoughts of lack and fill my mind with gratitude for all the gifts I have. I happily engage the law of circulation and freely give of my time, talents and money. I also happily accept all that is mine and all that is given to me. I know receiving what I want and need does not mean that someone else must go without. I accept my good. I am grateful for all I have received; for all that I will receive. I am expecting only good for myself and for the world. I know abundance is mine, and I truly enjoy living in the flow. I am happy and I am so grateful for all I have, and all that I am. I release my word into the Law, knowing it is done to me as I believe. I believe this is my Truth. And so it is. |