When we practice spiritual principles, our lives move into greater alignment with Spirit. The practices become the well-used tools that help us move through challenges. The principles help us heal any sense of separation that may cause those challenges.
Once a month we’ll gather to gain a deeper understanding of a Principle as we practice together. Over the month you’ll continue to practice as often as you are able.
Through a weekly email, I’ll help you stay focused and share insights and resources to facilitate your living the principle more fully. The weekly email will be part of an email list through Google Groups so you can stay connected to fellow practitioners if you like. To get on the list, fill out the contact form below even if you can't come to gatherings.
10 Spiritual Principles: Some of the Spiritual Practices:
Oneness Practicing the Presence via Mediation
Love Compassion via Forgiveness and Sacred Service
Creation Gratitude via Journaling
Threefold Nature Sacred Study via Contemplation and Discussion
Creative Process Intentional Creation via Affirmations
Spiritual Laws Direct Revelation via Visioning
Spiritual Beings
Eternal Life
So, join me one Sunday a month after service to deepen your spiritual journey and create greater connections with your fellow Harmony members.
Our final gathering is Sunday, October 23
Harmony Center @ 11:30 am
Zoom @ 3 pm
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82307166319
The emails will remain available to all those who sign up even after we no longer are meeting.
It's not too late to join in via email. Use the contact form below to become a member of the Google Group email list and start your practice now. Visit the group to read past emails and enjoy the weekly email coming directly to your inbox!
Love offering appreciated! No one turned away for lack of funds.
Once a month we’ll gather to gain a deeper understanding of a Principle as we practice together. Over the month you’ll continue to practice as often as you are able.
Through a weekly email, I’ll help you stay focused and share insights and resources to facilitate your living the principle more fully. The weekly email will be part of an email list through Google Groups so you can stay connected to fellow practitioners if you like. To get on the list, fill out the contact form below even if you can't come to gatherings.
10 Spiritual Principles: Some of the Spiritual Practices:
Oneness Practicing the Presence via Mediation
Love Compassion via Forgiveness and Sacred Service
Creation Gratitude via Journaling
Threefold Nature Sacred Study via Contemplation and Discussion
Creative Process Intentional Creation via Affirmations
Spiritual Laws Direct Revelation via Visioning
Spiritual Beings
Eternal Life
So, join me one Sunday a month after service to deepen your spiritual journey and create greater connections with your fellow Harmony members.
Our final gathering is Sunday, October 23
Harmony Center @ 11:30 am
Zoom @ 3 pm
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82307166319
The emails will remain available to all those who sign up even after we no longer are meeting.
It's not too late to join in via email. Use the contact form below to become a member of the Google Group email list and start your practice now. Visit the group to read past emails and enjoy the weekly email coming directly to your inbox!
Love offering appreciated! No one turned away for lack of funds.